Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Everyone is a Critic

 I have come to understand a couple of truths about citicism

1.) It will come, during our highest highs and lowest lows

The general rule of thumb is that everyone thinks that they can do your job better and have no problem telling you how to do your job. The truth is however that only you can fulfill your God anointed purpose in your life.

2.) Some is true and well intentioned, but much is not

If the person criticizing is not willing to help make the change, the majority of the time the criticism is not based on fact and has little ground. Every person matters, and every person has an opinion, but not every opinion matters. 

3.) All criticism comes from somewhere and has a reason

It's important to remember that whenever criticism comes, truthful or not, there is a reason for it. Maybe that person's needs are not being met, or maybe they are expecting too much from you, either way it is important to dig in and try to bring understanding to the reason for the criticism. 

Let criticism be a head issue and not a heart one. 
Don't be hurt by it, instead learn from it. 
Resources: "How to Handle Criticism" by C.J. Mahaney
Image by Sandy Lee

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