Saturday, March 19, 2011

Eliminating Exclusive Faith

Most of the frustrations I've had with hearing and reading about Christian beliefs is they are usually very exclusive. If I could draw a simple description, most approaches look like the picture I've posted.(1) In bounded set thinking we create a circle around our beliefs and put certain people we agree with in our circle and others out. We don't do this to be jerks but because of our loyalty to the Bible and to distinguish ourselves from the many diverse spiritual beliefs in our world today. In this kind of thinking it's very easy to define ourselves by what we are against. We can quickly close our circle tighter and tighter by aligning ourselves with certain pastors, authors, and political preference. Without knowing it, we can alienate ourselves from the very world God deeply loves. It's the select few that are right and everyone else is wrong and if you want in our circle then you have to admit you are wrong. (which no one wants to do) This bounded set automatically turns any conversation to a me vs. you dynamic. It can be offensive, abrasive, and ultimately not constructive. I've been guilty of this spiritual territorialism and it has often left me hoping for another way.
What I've discovered is a refreshing alternative. In centered set thinking the issue is not about who's in or who's out but which direction are we headed. We're no longer inclined to accidentally judge people on how far or close they are to God but which way are they pointed. This has liberated me in regards to common controversial Christian issues.(2) In a centered set the tax collector's prayer is rewarded over the pharisees.(3) We are free to open the doors of faith wide open and accept people for where they are. Spiritual elitism fades away and an authentic conversation can begin. A centered set also humbles me. See, it's no longer about adopting certain "correct" beliefs, marking that off my spiritual to do list and thinking I have everything together. A centered set forces me to daily ask the question, "Which way am I headed?" Am I traveling closer or farther away from a loving God today? I don't care as much who I align myself with but which way am I headed. The goal has not yet been reached in a centered set. The person with correct doctrine but pointed in the wrong direction is worse off than the person with misguided beliefs but humbling pursuing God.
Finally, a centered set allows for freedom. We can hand those with different beliefs a gift rather than take something away. We are free to validate rather than diminish. We no longer need to feel threatened or defensive.

I hope this helps you as much as it has helped me. May we all head toward a loving God today.

1. There has been plenty more written about the bounded and centered set. Feel free to google. Also, I'm nearly done with a seven page paper on Freedom in Christ if you'd really like to dig in, just let me know.
2. Most recently has been the Rob Bell "controversy".
3. Luke 18:9-14


  1. Loved what you are writing about! I want to read your 7 pager. Fred Thomas.

  2. Yes, amen, etc. Bring it, Kyle.

    Have you read Rob Bell's book yet? I plan to check it out soon.

  3. I haven't Stacey but I do plan on grabbing it on audio pretty soon. Bell's audio books are great cause he'll add quite a bit of content to the reading. Thanks for reading my ramblings.

    Fred, I'll shoot that over to you in a bit. I hope you enjoy it.
