Saturday, January 8, 2011

Image is everything. Right?

We have all heard the saying "Image is everything." Most would argue that this is a worldly phrase and refers to materialistic concerns. In most cases I would have to agree. I wonder, though, could this also have a biblical basis?

Let's look for a moment at Gen 1:27 which says "So God created human beings in his image...." (TNIV). According to this verse, God has created us in his image. But how many of us can actually say that we are a true image of God? I believe that we all have become sad "photocopies" of a great, amazing image. When people look at Christians, what do they see? Chances are, unfortunately, they see somebody who is judgmental, controlling, very out spoken (not really in a good way), hypocritical, etc. I could go on but I think you get the point. I'm not saying that all Christians are like that, but there are a lot that are and those are the ones that most people see. Not many people see the guy that was in the youth group I used to lead with the piercings, long hair, baggy pants and see a Christian, but he is one of the most faithful people I know.

I recently was in a local Bible book store, buying a gift for someone. While I was in line I was behind a lady who was standing at the counter. The lady was yelling for someone to help her, for someone to come check out. At the top of her lungs she was yelling "Customers!" or "Customer service up front!". This is a store that is usually pretty busy  and not many people work at so the people that were working were through out the store helping other customers and getting to other's as quickly as possible. Under her breath, the lady was saying how ridiculous this was and causing quite a scene. I couldn't help but wonder what someone who was a new believer would think if they came in. Maybe they would be there to buy their first Bible and this is one of the first examples of Christian she sees. Is that showing an image of God?

I believe that this is something that all Christians can work on. Myself included. Being a Christian does not mean wearing a suit every Sunday or having a fish emblem on your car. Christians are supposed to be understanding, caring, compassionate, faithful, forgiving, honest, humble people. After all, is that not how our God is, or His son? If we are an image of them, should we not reflect the same attributes. Personally I look for opportunities where I can practice living what I preach. For example, I lost my job recently and the timing could not be worse as I am planning my wedding this summer. But I have faith that God will provide. I make sure that I do not react poorly but instead show my faith. Especially around my non-Christian friends so when they look at me, they see the faith, the understanding of my God.

So I close with this: do you try to accurately reflect the image in which you were created? Or do you think that you could fall into the negative stigma that has been created, if you are completely honest with yourself?

If image is everything, what are you an image of?

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