Monday, January 3, 2011

What I Learned In 2010 by Kyle Reynolds

In no particular order, here ya go:

1.  I was ridiculously selfish.  Lincoln made me realize how much better life is when it's not about me.

2.  Bubbles are amazing!  Have you seen one lately?  Well, they're miraculous!  It's funny how the things we take for granted appear awe inspiring to a toddler.  It's refreshing to see the world through his eyes.

3.  I'm an incredible poker player.  No, seriously, I can see into peoples souls.  It's scary how good I am.  I have no idea how this ability is at all useful to a 32 year old husband, father, and ex-pastor but it's there.  

4.  The worst feeling in the world might be to feel forgotten.

5. A friend cares how you're doing.  Need to pursue friendships that are two-sided and healthy.

6.  I really like to cook for people.  Epic sushi nights are really rewarding for me.

7.  A great band, speaker, people, and food can't grow a church.  Only God can grow a church.  That used to be a cliche I would nod my head to but not really believe.  Now I believe it.

8.  God is sovereign.  He does what he wants.  Sometimes he says, "No."  I fear him more now than I used to.

9.  Churches should look more like pubs.  Think about it.  The pub is the only place in the world you can confess your worst mistake.  You know the ugly mistake that was all your fault?  Inevitably, someone will put their arm around you and buy you a beer.  Acceptance.  Pure and simple.  The church could learn a lot from a pub.

10.  Handy Manny may or may not be a cartoon about a hardware store fronting for a meth lab and a womanizing drug dealer.  Talking tools and Kelly always has bags under her eyes?  Just sayin.  

10.  I'm awkwardly introspective for a dude.

1 comment:

  1. I love this Kyle. I could easily add 2, 4, 7, 8, and 9 into my own "lessons learned" posting. Maybe not necessarily from 2010, but all definitely very true. Thanks for posting!
