Friday, April 29, 2011

"God" Tales of Mere Existance [VIDEO]

I tend to feel like this guy is not being honest about his search for the answer to "Is God real?"

He has a very skewed philosophy on religion, and obviously no good theological understanding of Christianity.

Even though he says he hasn't made up his mind, it would seem he already has.

There are a lot of people like this, especially on the campus of public colleges. Its important to find people where they are at and help through these type of questions.

Overall this video gives a good understanding of what is going through the heads of many people, both Christian and non-Christian alike.

Maybe instead of hiding inside the walls of the church we should have honest conversations with people, like this guy.


  1. Wow. I really like that video. It's honest and straight forward - unapologetic in his search for some answers to many questions we ALL have. I'm not sure any of us "Christians" would be bold enough to say we think the same things sometimes - but sadly, I think this guy is right. God must be terribly disappointed with us. I know there are many of us who have blown it - not lived up to our faith and caused people to doubt and turn away from God. It's sad and sobering all at the same time - and should stand as a warning and conviction for all of us.

  2. haha i kind of like it. Especially of televangelists.

  3. He concludes his video with the statement, "I never figured out if I believe that God exists, but if he does he must be terribly disappointed with us". Although LEV has a distorted view of who God is, what he thinks about us, and how He chooses to interact with his children, who he loves deeply and pursues constantly, I still really appreciate his honesty. So many people struggle with the existence of God when they base their belief on what "Christians" do instead of on the truth of who God is. It’s kinda like saying that all people are selfish or self absorbed when in reality most people try to be generous, kind, and giving. I wish this guy would get some new friends who could wade through the muck of figuring out what truth really is and is not. Lev starts the video off by saying “The concept of God tends to be a subject where you aren’t allowed to ask questions or give your opinions”. This makes me sad. Maybe I should call him up.
    Did you realize that almost all his opinions were formed by judging the acts of priests, evangelists, Judgmental Christians, hypocrites, people Jesus probably would have reprimanded? All behaviors that do not reflect the character and heart of Christ. This makes me sad.

  4. haha i kind of like it. Especially of televangelists.
