Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Memorable Moments

Today was a good day.

Today was a day full of memorable moments, the good and the bad. Church planting conference gave me the opportunity to meet with other people that are passionate about the things that fuel me; had an argument with the girlfriend, which ended up in a good discussion and the ability to love each other better; and a great time with friends at Issaquah Brew House where we had the opportunity to talk about memorable moments.

My pastor, Kyle Reynolds, is preaching a message called “Story” which has the premise that, “the things that make up a good story are the same components that make up a good life.”

It makes me think how often I decide to just sit down and watch TV/play Halo, rather than do something different. When I reflect on the things I have done in my life I don't think about the hours I have spent playing video games and watching TV, I think about the times when my family was able to get together for dinner at Ruth’s Chris, or when my Dad would take me golfing, or even when my brother and I thought it would be a great idea to climb on our roof and shoot our airsoft guns at the neighbor kids.

There are opportunities in life to make the mundane magical, in our lives and in the lives of those around us, and the measure of a great life is how many of those opportunities we act upon.

Lets choose to write a great story with our lives.


  1. You're in so much trouble for being on the roof AND shooting air soft guns at kids. This was fun to read, obviously from your heart, and it's extremely on target. I love you, kid...
