Sunday, November 6, 2011

Two Kinds Of Good

It occurred to me this week that when you and I speak of a person being "good" we could mean very different things. It's a word with all kinds of connotations and meanings. Specifically, in a spiritual context, "good" is an extremely diverse term.

I've met many I would define as "good" and what I mean is they are merely moral. This kind of good is very responsible and reliable. It's the neighbor that keeps his grass mowed but you wouldn't want to spend much time with because this kind of good survives through contrast. It's good at reminding you of how bad you are. It means well, but its stance is always defensive. This kind of good is defined by what it doesn't do. It's the aestetic alone in the dessert with his hand raised for three weeks. As Tom Sawyer put it, "It's good in the worst sense of the word."

Now, I'm happy to tell you there is another kind of good. I've met many I would define as this "good" and what I mean is they are generous. It's a kind of good that is approachable and attractive. It's a good that has a sort of charm and grace to it. It's the good you are unintentionally refreshed to be around. It's the friend you call for a good laugh because this kind of good prospers within community. It's good at conveying joy. It's stance is always accepting. This kind of good is defined by what they give. It's the trusted friend you met with at the pub to confess something ugly and he responds with an arm around you and a nod to the bartender, "The next one's on me."

See, I write this on Sunday because I know how many of my friends aren't getting dressed for Church this morning because they are weary of the former kind of "good". They have suspicions that God is a different kind of good. God could be the latter kind of good. For some, the suspicion is not much more than a hope. I wanted to share this with you because your suspicions are correct. Your hope can end in joy. I wanted to announce to you that God is very good.

And my life is going to prove it.
Care to join me?

"this is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers." -1 John 3:16

More to come on this... To Be Continued.

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