Saturday, January 28, 2012

If That's What You Are, Then What Am I?

Growing up with 2 older brothers, this was a constant saying in our house. Every time an insult was offered: "If that's what you are then what am I?" Despite the childish nature of such a comeback, I have found myself reverting to this idea an enumerable amount of times in the last few months. Let me begin by again sharing one of my favorite quotes:

"I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians, your Christians are so unlike your Christ."- Mahatma Gandhi.

Seem familiar? If you are a follower of Seeds, you have already seen this quote. These words alone are not only impactful, but so often seem to encompass the very subject of Seeds itself. Recently, more than ever, I have been left feeling that Gandhi had it right. So much so, that for a while, I refused to be known as a Christian. For me to make this statement, I must explain: It used to be that I turned on the news and only had to be known as a Christian when stories appeared on the news about Westboro Baptist or the string of church scandals that have unfolded in the past few years. Unfortunately, as of late, the more time I spend around Christians, the more I find myself repulsed by the Jesus they are selling. I am simply amazed at the judgment, discrimination, and hypocrisy that occurs, all while claiming to love the people that they crucify. So again I have to ask myself:

If that’s what you are, then what am I?

I was stuck in a paradigm…. I follow Christ, so I should be a Christian right?! But, if Christians crucify those they are supposed to love, I don’t want to be one. Can you see how I would want to disassociate myself from the title "Christian?"

Then it dawned on me, "Christian" was not what the disciples called themselves, but rather the title that was bestowed upon them by the society around them. The disciples simply called themselves followers, and the society labeled them as "little Christs" by the way that they lived, and the Savior that they preached.

Recognizing this, it makes me think what an honor it must have been to those who called themselves followers. What an honor it would be for my peers to recognize me as a Christian without me ever having to label myself as such. I am at the conclusion that "Christian" should not be something that one attributes to themself, but rather what one should hope to someday be attributed as.

I want to make this clear: I am not criticizing anyone who calls themself a Christian. I do however encourage you to ask of yourself, are the actions you partake in, the words that you speak, and the thoughts that you are thinking be associated with Christ? That is what the title of Christian means. That is what those who are viewing your life are interpreting it as. Are you treating it with the same weight?

So my prayer for us all: May we recognize the weight of the titles that we place among ourselves and the way that they affect the people around us. May we recognize that the way we compose ourselves is a direct reflection upon Jesus Christ when we associate our names with His. Finally, may we one day live a life worthy that those around us would deem us as Christians.


  1. Im changing my religion on Facebook to "Follower" instead of "Christian."

  2. Haha as much as I am in favor of that, I don't want this to be something where I encourage everyone to call themselves something different. I'd rather have people question why they call themselves the things that they do, and check if their life is consistent with what they claim to be.
