Monday, March 28, 2011

The Opposite of Love

Love series graphic

If you know me, you probably know that I am a complete nerd and know way too much about the latest and greatest gadget. So sorry if the nerd talk it a bit too much for you to handle. :)

I was thinking about technology and how in the tech world people get labeled either and Apple FanBoy or an Apple Hater. I view myself in the middle. I love apple, but with the same breath I despise Apple. Either way these feelings have kept me interested and talking about their products, and even purchasing some. Apple finds itself so close to perfection that when they miss the mark it causes a feeling of hate to dwell up inside of me.

On the other hand there are companies like Microsoft that I have struggled with for so long that I have become numb to feelings toward them what so ever. I am completely indifferent with Microsoft. I do not care about them what so ever. 

This leads me to believe that the opposite of Love is not Hate, but actually indifference.

When someone I love misses the mark, a feeling of hate, not for that person, but for the circumstances around the situation. 

Love and hate often go hand in hand.

But the one thing that can not be apart of love is indifference. It would be impossible for me to love someone and at the same time not care about them.

This is probably the same for God. 

He always loves us, He always hates our sin, but He is never indifferent about us and our situation. 

He always cares. 

He Always Loves.

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