I have to admit I have a very hard time tithing, I don’t make much money, and I like to be able to have money to do things with my friends.
I am sure everyone has their excuses
But what I am realizing is that my selfishness is limiting God’s provisions for my life, as well as his provisions for his church
I am sure everyone has their excuses
But what I am realizing is that my selfishness is limiting God’s provisions for my life, as well as his provisions for his church
I do not believe that we are meant to simply tithe 10% of our income to the church
This is a over simplification of a complex concept found in the biblical texts
In fact In the New Testament, Jesus mentions tithing only three times, and each time it is a form of reprimand to the attitude of the Pharisees about tithing.
He did not instruct his followers to tithe.
Tithing was essentially part of the law, that held precedence prior to the arrival of Jesus
A much better scripture regarding our giving should be:
Tithing was essentially part of the law, that held precedence prior to the arrival of Jesus
A much better scripture regarding our giving should be:
Luke 20:24-25 (New International Version)
24"Show me a denarius. Whose portrait and inscription are on it?"
25"Caesar's," they replied.
He said to them, "Then give to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's."
Our money is not our own, the correct way to give following the example Jesus laid out is to lift everything we have up and allow God to take and use all of what we have
The widow gave all that she had, it was only 2 small copper coins, but it was a sacrifice of everything, and Jesus praised her. (Mark 12:43-44)
When Jesus encountered the rich young ruler he asked him to sacrifice everything (Matthew 19:21)
This must be the heart that we give with, one that is willing to give everything we hold onto in order to support those in need, and to "honor God as the owner of the land and the giver of its produce."
If God tells you to give 10% then give it with a happy heart, but don’t give 10% because you believe that is all you are “supposed to give.” This is the danger of our Christian understanding of tithing. Simply doing what you think is right instead of seeking an honest understanding of what God actually is asking of you. It will be different for every person.
"Faith is Custom fit, not Mass produced." -Kyle Reynolds
I have to admit that I struggle with the faith to lay it all out there, but if we don’t as a church, as believers, how will God use us?
"The Purpose of Stewardship" by Richard B. Cunningham in Leadership Handbook of Management and Administration
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