The eye is the lamp of the body. If your eyes are healthy, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eyes are unhealthy, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the light within you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6)
When I first became a Christian, I always thought it exciting to ask Christians what they found more interesting: Old or New Testament? Although some (mostly male) people answered the Old Testament for the amazing battles of David's mighty men, the vast majority answered New Testament. Despite the presence of Jesus being the anticipated answer as to why the New Testament was favored, I was shocked to hear most people answer "Because the Old Testament is too confusing and boring."
I admit, the Old Testament genealogies are perhaps drier than the bones found in Ezekiel’s vision, yet after taking an entire class that was focused on surveying the Hebrew Bible, I found that my own feelings of confusion and boredom had little to do with the content. Instead they stemmed from my inability to understand what I was reading. Despite my feeling of being well-versed in Biblical history going into the class, I found that my own Biblical education had been lacking in even some of the most basic areas. Anticipating this lack of knowledge about the basics, our professor weekly quizzed us on 22 basic facts that are helpful in understanding the Old Testament. This list was completely complied by him, and I am greatly appreciative for the tool that helped me to understand the Old Testament better, hopefully it will do the same for you!