Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 6 - Stupid Americans

We got up early this morning to go out to Timna, which is the area the Egyptians used to travel to, to mine copper ore during the 6th millenium BC.

There we saw some of the beautiful rocks of Israel, but the coolest part of Timna was that there was a replica tabernacle that we were able to check out. 

The tabernacle was the place where sacrifices to God happened while the Israelites were in exile, prior to coming into the promise land.  

The tabernacle represented the place God's presence dwelled in the earth.

After Timna we headed out for lunch were I made a new best friend. Shwarma. It's lamb, chicken, or beef, shaved and put in a peta with hummus and lots of veggies. It is probably one of my new favorite foods.

After lunch we headed to the Red Sea to go snorkeling in the coral reefs. It was an amazing experience, especially after experiencing the lack of life in the deserts of Israel. 

I also had an interesting conversation with one of the guys on our trip. While we were in Jordan we all bought some Arab head dresses, which we learned represent various Arab nations. Red and white for example was for the nation of Jordan. 

Black and white on the other hand represents Palestine, which is a nation of no land who claims the Israel for itself. In essence Palestine and Israel are rivals, and often the reason for most of the violence in the middle east. 

My friend feels it's ok to where the black and white scarf in Israel. 

Our guides say that they dont like it, but most Israelites understand stupid Americans that don't know what they are doing. 

My question is, just because they think we are going to be stupid Americans, does that mean we have to be???

What do you think?


  1. Um...yeah...your group should use some peer pressure to make sure that person doesn't wear that scarf until you guys are safely home.

  2. Agree with Stephen.  Good grief.  We want you SAFE!  Sounds like such a great experience you're having over there - and that new food you discovered - you will need to bring home the recipe and MAKE IT for us :)
